3D models of Azerbaijan and Armenia



Project for Radio Frequency planning, Geoinformation System and WEB-applications that covers:

3D map of Yerevan, Armenia – 267 sq km click here to view online map
3D map of Gyumri, Armenia – 51 sq km
3D map of Baku, Azerbaijan – 104 sq km
3D map of Ganja, Azerbaijan – 273 sq km

  1. Vector data model provided as a composition of vector layers in ESRI ArcGIS or Mapinfo formats.
  2. Raster data model presented in Geo-tif format and includes:
    • Digital Elevation Model (DEM) (data placed in Height.tif file);
    • Land Use Map (Clutter Model)
  3. Service Data for RF planning tools:
    • Digital Terrain Model (DTM);
    • Land Use Map (Clutter Model) in matrix representation;
    • Text labels;
    • Vector layers.

Resolution of 3D model (cell size of matrix): 5 m

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