3D Maps

Visicom's 3D maps

Visicom produces digital 3D maps for any territory providing customized solutions for each client

Various levels of detail can be applied for various application supporting their specific demands and providing navigation data, building textures, roof details, 3D vegetation, addresses database, streets name in a local language, POIs, etc.

3D Maps are based on stereo pairs of high-resolution satellite imagery and air phots.


  • Environmental Management and Modeling
  • Urban Planning
  • Building Information Modelling
  • WEB-Applications
  • Virtual Games
  • Territorial Marketing
  • Tourism
  • Planning of Utility Networks
  • Real Estate
  • Marketing
  • Disaster Risk Management
  • Wireless Networks Planning
  • mm-wave Planning (5G Planning)
  • Smart Cities
  • Solar Smart Energy Planning and Solar Cadastre

Our geodata portfolio includes 2500+ 3D Maps over the world.

Request a demo
We guarantee
  • Precise and up-to-date mapping information
  • Extra-accurate 3d buildings
  • Detailed and high-resolution terrain
  • Flexible price fitted to customer budget
  • Delivery in any RF planning tool and GIS format
Data formats
  • Alcatel A955
  • Aircom Asset
  • Atoll Forsk
  • CelPlanner
  • ICS Telecom
  • NetPlan
  • AutoCAD
  • MapInfo
  • Microstation
  • Neva
  • Odyssey
  • Pathloss
  • Mentum Ellipse
  • Mentum Planet
  • Nokia NetAct
  • Raster images
  • TIFF and GeoTIFF
  • ERDAS Imagine Image
  • ER Mapper Raster
  • ENVI Image Format
  • Generic Binary
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of your Areas of Interest (AOI)