Havana 3D map project for RF Planning


80 sq,km of Havana 3D city map (Cuba) was the produced for one of the local telecom companies.

It is one more step of Visicom intensifying walk into Americas map market.

Havana Geodata Dataset contains: Digital Terrain Model (DTM), Digital Surface Model (DSM), highly accurate 3D Buildings with roof details, 3D Vegetation and Bridges, Clutter/Land Use/Land Cover Model, Obstacles Heights (Clutter Heights) Model, Vector model, Transportation networks and Population map.
3D geodata accuracy – 2-3 m in X,Y,Z.

In addition, Havana 3D map package could be used for any GIS, IoT planning projects, all data formats are supported.

Download the free data sample of Havana digital model in order to explore more details.

Our geodata catalogue includes over 4000 cities and 80+ countries.

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