Regional map of West Bank (Palestine)


Regional map of West Bank

Project for Radio Frequency planning, Geoinformation System and WEB-applications and contains:

geodata for RF planning:
2D Regional Model of West Bank (Palestine) – 6 911 sq km


data for GIS project and WEB project:
Map of West Bank (Palestine) – 6 911 sq km

2D Regional model is a medium-to-low-resolution database designed for large-area RF planning. It's the ideal solution in initial network planning and network planning in rural areas. 2D Regional RF map of West Bank (Palestine) (country model) covers 6 911
We have used recent vintage imagery Sentinel of 10 m resolution to create 20 m resolution geodata.
West Bank (Palestine) DHM
SRTM/ASTER DEM data and available topomaps were processed for DTM/DSM production.
West Bank (Palestine) DTM
Clutter/Land Use/Land Cover are classified into different classes: classes of built-up areas, water classes, classes of landscape and vegetation. Land Use map was produced from multispectral satellite imagery by method of automatic classification with subsequent manual photo-interpretation and modification.
West Bank (Palestine) clutter
2D Regional model allows quickly visualize terrain and clutter over large areas or entire countries. It consists of the following integrated layers: digital terrain model (DTM), clutter, linear vectors, orthoimage.
Data can be delivered in all major RF planning formats
Regional Models may be integrated with 2D Urban ones to improve their accuracy in urban and suburban areas.

See also West Bank (Palestine) 2D Urban City Models for RF planning and GIS project:

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