Romania countrywide map project for telecom operator


Romania digital map

Visicom has finished the 2D Regional model that would be used as a digital map for radio frequency planning as part of Telecom project provided by the Romanian mobile operator (telco 3d map).
The Romania digital map covers the whole territory of the country (238 000 with 10m resolution quality.
It's the best solution for the initial network planning and network planning in rural areas.

The Romania digital map includes such datasets as:
1. Digital Terrain Model/DTM 2. Clutter/Land Use Classification/Land Cover Model
3. Vector Model (detailed road network
4. Population map as grid (matrix) and vectors with blocks of populated areas
5. The detailed administrative division for whole country

In order to satisfy the upcoming 5G implementation were additionally produced the highly accurate 3D models with a 1-2 m resolution of the biggest Romania cities. Please explore more regarding "Romania 3D city digital maps" and "Bucharest 3D city model".

Romania digital model could be used as a GIS and base map for LTE planning and simulation, IoT, land planning, population distribution modelling.

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