Clutter/Land Use Map

A term “Clutter” refers to a Land Use/Land Cover classification of surface features. They are classified into different classes: classes of built-up areas, water classes, classes of landscape and vegetation. As a rule, Clutter is generally produced from multispectral satellite imagery by automatical and partly manual photo-interpretation.

This level of classification depends on particular applications: urban, suburban or regional. For example, the ‘urban and built-up’ class includes ‘residential,’ ‘commercial,’ and ‘industrial’ subclasses. Correspondingly, each class can be subdivided into more detailed classes - subclasses. Ranked/classified and mapped land cover is an integral step in understanding the Earth's biophysical systems, urban development, and managing.

A Land use map is a basic input for the prediction of different types of environmental management – both human activity and natural processes. Visicom geospatial data provide a high level of details in urban and suburban areas that allows recognizing, visualize and analyze the changes both in the natural and manmade environment.

Land Use details vary from 12 to 32 Clutter classes, from general map morphology to separate buildings in terms of meeting the concrete project needs.

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We guarantee
  • Precise and up-to-date mapping information
  • Extra-accurate 3d buildings
  • Detailed and high-resolution terrain
  • Flexible price fitted to customer budget
  • Delivery in any RF planning tool and GIS format
Data formats
  • Alcatel A955
  • Aircom Asset
  • Atoll Forsk
  • CelPlanner
  • ICS Telecom
  • NetPlan
  • AutoCAD
  • MapInfo
  • Microstation
  • Neva
  • Odyssey
  • Pathloss
  • Mentum Ellipse
  • Mentum Planet
  • Nokia NetAct
  • Raster images
  • TIFF and GeoTIFF
  • ERDAS Imagine Image
  • ER Mapper Raster
  • ENVI Image Format
  • Generic Binary
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