Building Footprints

Visicom team developed and implemented the technology of recognizing satellite images based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), or to be more accurate — Machine Learning (ML), which analyzes each pixel and determines the class to which a particular pixel belongs and accordingly transfers data from the raster to a vector with corresponding attributes.


  • Automated production (99% of buildings > 25 sq.m matched automatically by the machine learning algorithm)
  • Completeness (achieved 100% coverage due to manual post-processing and validation)
  • 3m SE90 accuracy;
  • Rapid production of countrywide building footprints dataset;
  • Available worldwide;
  • Based on up-to-date satellite images with 0,3–0,5m resolution.


Depending on the project’s needs, LOD1 or LOD2 building footprints could be produced representing buildings and roof details with multiple heights.

The building footprints layer is delivered separately or integrated into the final product (3D city map, Digital Surface Model, Digital Height Model, Clutter Heights map, City population map)

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We guarantee
  • Precise and up-to-date mapping information
  • Extra-accurate 3d buildings
  • Detailed and high-resolution terrain
  • Flexible price fitted to customer budget
  • Delivery in any RF planning tool and GIS format
Data formats
  • Alcatel A955
  • Aircom Asset
  • Atoll Forsk
  • CelPlanner
  • ICS Telecom
  • NetPlan
  • AutoCAD
  • MapInfo
  • Microstation
  • Neva
  • Odyssey
  • Pathloss
  • Mentum Ellipse
  • Mentum Planet
  • Nokia NetAct
  • Raster images
  • TIFF and GeoTIFF
  • ERDAS Imagine Image
  • ER Mapper Raster
  • ENVI Image Format
  • Generic Binary
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