3D CITY MODELS FOR 3D PRINTING (Microscape, Cityscape)

At present, the area of 3D printing is instantly growing and developing, redoubling its capability both in financial and in technical senses. 3D printer is not a know-how anymore, it can be simply found at neighbor’s home :).

Visicom Company also doesn’t stand still. We have adapted our 3D models to 3D printing and provide them in the most popular formats, dividing into tiles (parts of the models tailored to the 3D printing size).

So-called architectural Microscape Cityscape (micro models of the city) models using for the printing of 3D maps can be supplied within several days on the condition we have them off-the-shelf. As a rule, it is 3D city models realized at LOD2 detailing of the buildings.

Also, it is possible to prepare a 3D printing model not for urban or suburban areas but for Digital Terrain Model.

Supported formats: STL, OBJ, AMF, 3MF, VRML and X3D

Request a demo
We guarantee
  • Precise and up-to-date mapping information
  • Extra-accurate 3d buildings
  • Detailed and high-resolution terrain
  • Flexible price fitted to customer budget
  • Delivery in any RF planning tool and GIS format
Data formats
  • Alcatel A955
  • Aircom Asset
  • Atoll Forsk
  • CelPlanner
  • ICS Telecom
  • NetPlan
  • AutoCAD
  • MapInfo
  • Microstation
  • Neva
  • Odyssey
  • Pathloss
  • Mentum Ellipse
  • Mentum Planet
  • Nokia NetAct
  • Raster images
  • TIFF and GeoTIFF
  • ERDAS Imagine Image
  • ER Mapper Raster
  • ENVI Image Format
  • Generic Binary
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